With Our Clients Every Step of the Way
I recently hired Mike to appeal my carry permit denial! In the process of waiting for a court date, I had an incident where the state tried to revoke my FID card and forfeit my firearms! Mike represented me on both accounts and not only did he get the forfeiture denied but he got my carry permit granted! Mike went up to bat and came home with a grand slam! He was resourceful, attentive, understanding, and work with me every step of the way! Money well spent! Any gun problems he is your attorney for sure !! Thanks, Mike! Merry Christmas to you and your family.- Former Client
He provided all the info, resources, and information for me to get the result that I love. Mr. Teeter got the best result possible. All criminal charges for domestic violence were dropped and expunged.- Mantas A.
Mr. Teeter is no-nonsense and explains the entire legal process.- Brian F.
He is very professional and makes you feel confident. He is hardworking and very trustworthy. He has lived up to all the standards he set out to me from the first day we spoke.- Alexandra C.
Mathew Teeter represented me very well throughout the process of my Second Offense DUI case. He will omit if not reduce sentences that unfairly subjugate to you.- Jason A.

Terrorist Threats & Stalking Charges
Call Our New Jersey Defense Lawyers - (732) 607-5553
Making terroristic threats is a third-degree crime that occurs in one of two ways.
A person is guilty of terroristic threats if they:
- Threaten to commit any crime of violence with the intent to cause the evacuation of a building or to terrorize. The most common example is phoning in a bomb threat.
Terrorist threats also include:
- Threatening to kill another with the purpose to put them in imminent fear where the victim believes the threat will be carried out.
It is often a fine line between having a heated argument and committing the third-degree crime of terroristic threats. Sometimes when we are angry, we say things we don’t mean and have no intention of carrying out. The New Jersey criminal defense lawyers at Roberts & Teeter understand this difference and will work hard to make sure others, like juries and judges, understand it as well.
If you are in need of an attorney, contact Roberts & Teeter, LLC to schedule your free consultation.
Stalking is either repeatedly maintaining a physical proximity to a person or repeatedly making written or verbal threats toward a person. Stalking is elevated to a third-degree crime when committed during an active restraining order prohibiting the behavior.
In addition to fines, probation, and incarceration, the law allows the court to enter a permanent restraining order to a person convicted of stalking.
Kidnapping is one of the most serious crimes in New Jersey, chargeable as a first-degree crime with a mandatory minimum sentence imposed. A person is guilty of kidnapping if they unlawfully remove another or unlawfully confine another with the purpose of holding that person for ransom or reward or as a shield or hostage.
Less serious than kidnapping are the charges of criminal restraint, false imprisonment, and interference with custody.
Criminal Restraint
Criminal restraint is the unlawful restraining of another or holding of a person in a condition of involuntary servitude.
False Imprisonment
False Imprisonment is a disorderly persons offense where a person knowingly restrains another so as to interfere substantially with their liberty.
Interference with Custody
Any person, even a parent, commits interference with custody when they take or detain a child with the purpose of depriving the child’s other parent of parenting time.
Luring or Enticing a Child
A second-degree crime occurs when a person attempts to entice or lure a child into a building, motor vehicle, or isolated area with the intent of committing a criminal offense against or with the child. When the same act is done against an adult it is third-degree crime in violation of 2C:13-7.
Even to the casual observer, it should be obvious that there is considerable overlap between the above statutes. The same conduct can trigger one or all of the listed crimes.
Ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome given the facts of your case, it is imperative you hire a skilled defense lawyer in New Jersey. Call (732) 607-5553 to speak with us.

Representation Aimed at Results
Aggressively Pursuing the Best Possible Outcome for Each Client
Received No Loss of License 2nd Driving While Intoxicated
Case Dismissed 4th Shoplifting Offense
Case Dismissed Aggravated Assault
Case Dismissed Aggravated Assault & Possession of a Weapon
DWI Charge Dismissed Driving While Intoxicated